Coffee Beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee Plantation
Coffee Beans
Coffee Beans
Picture of a coffee plantation at the Ha
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Plant-A-Tree for our Future

Air travel is a major cause of climate change,
but Pemberi Farms has a solution.

We love our holidays in Bali. And a few of us are lucky enough to call this island home. But there’s a hidden cost to life in paradise.

Hundreds of flights arrive and depart from Bali every day. Almost 48,000 flights a year in fact. That’s a huge contribution to global climate change.

It’s a problem every visitor and resident off Bali is part of creating.

A single tree can pay for a lifetime
of carbon emissions.

Pemberi Farms founders have a solution for our carbon crisis. An answer inspired by work in the high mountain fields of Pemberi coffee farms.

What if travellers to and from Bali could plant a tree to off-set the carbon cost of their flight?

Pemberi Farms has acres of unplanted land just ready and waiting for new trees. For just $40 anyone can offset their carbon emissions by helping the farm complete the planting. All proceeds of this generous donation go directly to the farm and organic farming.

Your name. In Bali. Forever.

Engrave your name in the stones of Bali itself. For every new tree planted as part of their carbon off-set scheme, Pemberi Farms will carve the name of the donor into a slab of Balinese stone.

A complete map of all the donated trees on Pemberi Farms land, including the names of all donors, will be published online and printed, marking a permanent reminder of your time on the island.

Plant-A-Tree to save the planet

Click Here: To Plant a Tree and Support Organic Farming now.

Our Product

Generations ago on Bali the first coffee trees were planted high on the mountainous slopes of Kintamani. The same Indonesian families that have worked the land for years have created one of the most unique single-origin coffee beans in the world. A taste derived from a rich volcanic soil, unique local climate and organic farming practices produces a coffee that is light, full bodied and sweet with a balanced fragrance and aroma and bold, chocolate undertones. We hope you enjoy this unique taste of Bali!

Our Product

Generations ago on Bali the first coffee trees were planted high on the mountainous slopes of Kintamani. The same Indonesian families that have worked the land for years have created one of the most unique single-origin coffee beans in the world. A taste derived from a rich volcanic soil, unique local climate and organic farming practices produces a coffee that is light, full bodied and sweet with a balanced fragrance and aroma and bold, chocolate undertones. We hope you enjoy this unique taste of Bali!

Pemberi Farms

Pioneer spirit & great coffee.

Pemberi Organic Farms produce high quality specialty coffees. Our coffees are 100% organically grown, with no pesticides used in and around the farms. At Pemberi farms our goal is to bring the exceptional quality of Bali coffee to the world, put Bali coffee on the map, and bring local organic farms the recognition they deserve.

Florida native and global traveller first travelled to Bali 26 years ago, before the beaches were crowded with bars and the rice paddies surrounded by hotels. She’s seen the island, and the small town of Ubud where she made her home and raised a daughter, grow into bustling tourist destinations. With the Plant-A-Tree scheme Deidra Kay is giving something back to Bali, and offering visitors of all kinds the chance to give too.

Deidre Kay

Awesome !!

Megan McDonald

Kopinya enak sekali !

Sunshine Bali indonesia

Excellent product !

Stephan Alexander Huesler
Zürich, Switzerland

Wonderful !

Ben Ripple , Island Organics Bali
Ben Ripple
Island Organics Bali

Delicious !

Noel Bernhardt
Bali, Indonesia

Yummy !

Veronica Kees
Garmish Germany

Just Great !

Pablo Saavendra de Decker

Pemberi Gallery

